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S13 E3: National Whistleblower Center Executive Director Siri Nelson (Anti-Money Laundering Act, Foreign Sanctions Violations, and Whistleblower Rewards)
Host Mychal Wilson, Esq. and National Whistleblower Center Executive Director Siri Nelson discuss recent develops in the Anti-Money Laundering Act (“AML”), FinCEN, Foreign Sanctions Violations, potential Whistleblower Rewards, and enhanced Whistleblower Protections. Especially concerning international financial transactions concerning Russia, Iran, and North Korea.
S12 E12: Fentanyl Experts Robby Robinson and Cary Quashen (Fentanyl Poisoning and Fraud)
Host Mychal Wilson, Esq. interviews Fentanyl experts Robby Robinson and Cary Quashen regarding recent youth, adult, and celebrity deaths caused by Fentanyl poisoning. According to the CDC, in 2021 over 70,00 people died from Synthetic Opioids (Fentanyl). The episode also examines Fentanyl distribution though social media platforms, overdose treatment such as NARCAN®, and prevention.
Robby Robinson is an Intervention Specialist and Civilian investigator with the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Department. Cary Quashen is a Certified Addiction Specialist and founder of the Action Family Foundation.
S11 E18: Recovering Meth Addict and Unhoused Expert Mel Wingfield (Mental Illness and Unhoused)
Host Mychal Wilson, Esq. and Former Meth Addict and Unhoused Expert Mel Wingfield discuss California’s dire unhoused/homeless situation, drug addiction, mental illness, drug addiction, failed government programs, and potential solutions to help the unhoused.
Mel Wingfield is a recovering Meth addict who offers valuable insight and solutions to the correlation, drug abuse, mental illness, and being unhoused.

The Whistleblower
Celebrity Whistleblower Attorney® Mychal Wilson created a show to give you an insider’s view into the risky, secret and potentially lucrative world known as “Whistleblowing.”
The Whistleblower examines nonpartisan issues of fraud, waste and abuse on behalf of the American taxpayer and consumer. A show which explores the courage and integrity within us, and in some cases, the potentially lucrative incentivized integrity for those Davids fighting those Goliaths, and for those who help bring about justice for others at their own expense.

Former Big Pharma Top Cardiovascular/Diabetes Sales Representative
As a Big Pharma Cardiovascular/Diabetes sales representative in the “Wild Wild West” (aka-Hollywood), and while attending law school at night, Mychal informed his employer that its sales and marketing practices concerning popular drugs such as Plavix, Pravachol, and Glucophage were unethical. And, subsequently, he was terminated in 2004. Then, in 2007, Mychal was one of several whistleblowers in a $515 million dollar settlement with the United States Department of Justice (“DOJ”) for illegal sales and marketing tactics by Bristol-Myers Squibb. And, again in 2016, with a $30 million dollar settlement with the California Department of Insurance for similar alleged illegal business conduct.

Whistleblower Attorney
Since 2007, as Qui Tam counsel, Mychal has filed numerous sealed fraud cases with the DOJ and other federal and state agencies, with recoveries such as $23.5 million dollars in 2011 against medical device maker Medtronic, $9.9 million dollars in 2014 against Medtronic again, and $4.9 million dollars in 2014 against medical device maker Biotronik, and $63.5 million in 2019 regarding fraudulent pricing conduct by Indian generic drug maker Lupin.

+ $800M
Currently, as a relator and whistleblower attorney, Mychal Wilson has assisted various state and federal agencies recover over $800 million dollars in American taxpayer’s dollars, and represents clients on numerous domestic and international sealed matters ranging from healthcare fraud to foreign sanctions violations under various Whistleblower programs such as the False Claims Act (FCA), Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), FinCEN, CFCT, and the IRS.ur passionate community!
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